New path by old me :)

10:11 PM

Hi foodies! Nice to see you guys reading me again. (^@^)

Well well well... it's already 1 month after the last post I've done. I am doing great nowadays. Enough rest, enough food and even did some exercise to help my body to be more strong (easy and light ones of course ^.^'' )

I went for final check up last week to know can I back to KL and start living like normal. Well, after x-ray (I can see my own bone and screws in my body @.@), doctor say I am totally in well condition as early as they expect. BUT... doctor gave me 1 more month MC cause my back bone need more rest (even the doctor question me a lot and give me a lot advise).

There is nothing much I can do, but well... I maybe can just share any stories with you guys that I might having in future. My family support me so much as they know I do blogging and talk about foods (they even ask "Do you want to go any restaurant to share in your blog now?"). Million thanks for my family that care and support me so much.

Well, maybe this is a chance for me too. A chance for me to know am I really interested in online entrepreneurship (at least a back up plan if my boss don't want me anymore). Maybe is a path for me to explore and understand more in this field. I will not regret in anything I have done.

Well, hope my sharing is not too boring and I can keep on updating my blog as usual (at least every 3 times a week). Thank you guys for reading and supporting me. Hope to chat with you guys soon in future (send me a mail to if you guys wanna chat with me).

Will meet you guys on the next update. Foodilicious.

This is all I can do... maybe it's my back up.

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